10-day Peru Ayahuasca Retreat - Join a group Lima to the Amazon

With José Huanaquiri, Cheyenne Felker and Curtis Smith

May 11 - 20, 2024

Address: XV3Q+QM5, Tamshiyacu 16310, Peru

Contact: Curtis

  • $3,655.00 – 10-day trip price - Lima to the Amazon (return included)

Embark on a profound 10-day journey through Peru, starting in Lima and venturing to the heart of the Amazon. This transformative experience will unite a group of participants as they travel by plane and boat to a remote retreat center in the jungle. For an entire week, immerse yourself in the ancient traditions of the Amazon, where you will have the opportunity to engage in five Ayahuasca ceremonies.

At Inward Travel, we hold tremendous reverence for the healing potential of Ayahuasca. The ceremonies will be conducted by experienced Shaman from the Mestizo and Shipibo lineage, boasting over 25 years of wisdom and knowledge. Delve into the depths of this powerful plant medicine, allowing it to guide your personal healing and transformation.

Embrace the chance to reconnect with your true nature and rewrite the story of your future. Our mission is to create a safe and supported environment for those who feel the call to sit with Ayahuasca, fostering profound connections and inner growth.

DAY 1   (LIMA)

Lima is our gathering place, where our journey together begins. Allow yourself to land down, as we get acquainted with our group and prepare for our journey to the Amazon.


As a group, we will fly over the serpentine Amazonian river to Iquitos, the gateway to the Amazon and the tribal villages. This is our introduction to the world’s largest tropical rainforest and the abundance of life that calls it home.

In Iquitos, we will have time to be with our intentions and have a group ‘Ayahuasca 101’ talk in preparation of the medicine experience. We’ll have the opportunity to visit the largest market in Iquitos with all sorts of interesting Amazonian goods, and to go for a group dinner. 


A 1.5 hour boat ride on the Amazon river brings us to our next destination and the thing that called you to this adventure. We immerse ourselves in the heart of the Amazon Jungle at an ‘off-grid’ healing centre, one of the longest running Ayahuasca centres in the region. We are greeted by our 3 Shamans, our translator, and a wonderful team. Our lead Shaman, Jose, is an incredible man with a big heart and has over 25 years of working with Ayahuasca at this centre.

Welcomed by the spirit of Mother Ayahuasca, the ‘rustic-luxury’ jungle living allows us the opportunity to be fully immersed in the exotic wildness while exploring the wildness that lives within each of us. Each cottage is strategically placed a few minutes walk from the others, so your views are only the surrounding jungle. The staff provides immense support, ensuring everyone is safe and receiving what they need. There are many relaxing shared spaces where you can read, relax, and enjoy a hammock in solitude. You’ll have ample time to be with your process, to write, reflect, rest, and listen.

We will experience a traditional flower bath as we prepare for our first ceremony. This ceremony will be an introductory dose of medicine as the Shaman gets to know each of us and check in with how we respond. All meals are included, and we follow a dieta as recommended by the Shamans, with incredible whole foods. 


Each day following a ceremony, our group will gather for a discussion circle after breakfast, where you can share with the shamans about your experience, and so they can understand your process day by day in order to provide guidance and to know how best to support you in the ceremonies. We are fortunate to have such dedicated shamans who care deeply about all of us, and these conversations are assisted by a translator. 

Each of us will also have one private conversation with the shamans to share about your intentions with the medicine and anything that is personal, as we prepare for 2nd ceremony and a larger dose of Ayahuasca.

After each ceremony, there is also staff to walk with you safely back to your cottage. We are also fortunate to have daily room cleaning provided, another beautiful service offered by the wonderful and friendly staff. It’s the little details that make such a difference, and we are taken care of tremendously. 


One of the most beautiful aspects of the seclusion we have at our jungle homes is the slow pace at which we can move through each day. Fruit and hot tea are delivered to your cottage door at 7:00am, so you can wake up and go through your own process journalling and reflecting on the experiences we had the night before. The bonds of our group are deepening each day, and one of the most enjoyable and therapeutic elements is the opportunity to share the highs and lows that we all went through. We’re all supported tremendously, and this gives us all the confidence and safety to surrender and connect with the medicine deeper with each ceremony.

Breakfast is at 10am, followed by a group discussion for as long as is needed. Each day in the afternoon there is an optional activity, depending on the weather and the group’s energy levels. These include boat trips to see wildlife, local artisanal markets, interacting with monkeys, and some other surprises! On each day of ceremony, we will have lunch around 1:30pm, and then fast for the rest of the day. 7:30pm we gather in the Maloca (the ceremonial space) to once again sit with the medicine.


Day 6 is rest day! 3 ceremonies already up to this point, with 1 introductory dose, and 2 larger doses. It is a day for processing, journalling, reading, conversations, and catching up on sleep. We’ll have a group discussion and an afternoon activity, leaving lots of time to be in your flow, reflecting on your intentions to that point, and soaking up the hammock in your cottage.

A great aspect of a rest day is that we get to eat a tasty dinner and get to bed early! We’ll also have the chance to purchase some incredible Shipibo tapestries and artwork from the shamans. Many people find an art piece that symbolizes the experiences and visions you’ve encountered with Ayahuasca.


Our 4th and 5th ceremonies will see us back in the process of preparing to sit with the medicine in the evenings. People often experience a kind of arc over a week of sitting with Ayahuasca where the first 2-3 ceremonies provide more of a cleansing and clearing of negative energies, a kind of descending into the challenging emotions.  Ceremonies 4 and 5 are often said to bring about more of a blossoming with ascending and creative energy to provide clarity on the best path forward.

Ayahuasca is truly a phenomenal medicine and we are so blessed to be in the presence of such incredible shamans to support us in this journey. Prior to our last ceremony, the shamans will bless us with another flower bath. The final ceremony is called the ‘Arcana’, a special process utilized by the shamans to seal one’s energy and layer protections on each of us after a series of ayahuasca ceremonies and to bring a conclusion to the ‘work’ that has been done during the retreat.


After our final ceremony, we will have another full day and night to be in a relaxing flow and enjoy our incredible sanctuary in the Amazon. We’ll have a final group discussion, go on an excursion, and experience the final closing traditions with our shamans and staff at our centre. We’ll also have an integration discussion as we prepare to take steps back into the outside world and to sustain and grow the gifts that we’ve received into our lives moving forward. Integration is an ongoing process for which our staff and community continue to provide support for you.


On the final day, we’ll wake up, have breakfast and then take the boat back to Iquitos to catch flights back to Lima. In Lima, some people will catch connecting flights, and others will return to our hotel in Lima. This brings a close to our group experience together, as we say our goodbyes. In only 10-days, so much has been shared and deep bonds have been formed. It is to sad to separate, but we’ll continue to keep connected and support each other’s journey, following this unforgettable experience together. 
Note: We also have an 8-day Integration extension trip to visit Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley, and Cusco!

About the Leaders

José Huanaquiri

Jose is an Ayahuasquero from a mestizo community, carrying on the legacy of Ayahuasca healing from his uncles and grandfather, all respected Shipibo healers. For over twenty years, he's integrated traditional Shipibo icaros with his love for music, creating a unique soundscape that enhances the spiritual journey during Ayahuasca ceremonies. His upbringing near Pucallpa ingrained […]

Learn more about José Huanaquiri

Cheyenne Felker

Cheyenne is a highly experienced and compassionate guide, specializing in transformative experiences and healing. With a decade of skillful leadership, she has guided diverse groups through profound journeys in travel and various healing modalities, leaving a lasting impact on all she encounters. Her approach is characterized by deep listening and wise guidance, facilitating transformative healing […]

Learn more about Cheyenne Felker

Curtis Smith

Curtis is the Co-Founder of Inward Travel and passionate about Plant Medicine and the positive impacts they can have on individuals and the world as a whole. Curtis had his first big psychedelic experience more than 25 years ago at the age of 18 with psilocybin mushrooms. That one night opened his perception to something […]

Learn more about Curtis Smith